Friday, April 22, 2011

The New Stone Age!!!

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.
~Robert Flatt

Hey my art and about lovers. Today, our focus is on art. I want to invite you to join the festival express as we explore what best fits this season.

I have heard that the 60s look is soooo on!!! Can't wait to blend in!

During this season,remember that simplicity is key...

Simplicity and comfort play a huge role in determining what to wear this season.

Monday, April 18, 2011


The Goddess Of Love Is Inviting You To Enter The Kingdom Of Light Standing In Front Of The Portal She Is Sending To The Whole Universe Her Unconditional And Infinite Love The Caterpillars Which Were Waiting For Their Transformation Have Just Appeared In Their Magnificence... As The Blue Butterflies... Mirror Of The Divine Blue Ray Of Wisdom, Of Love , Of Eternity The Fragance Of The Rose Can Make Us Feel Dizzy....But This Dizziness Is Divine... As A flower Can Be The Rose Is The Emblem of The Dvivine Feminine Purple Rose Of Royalty Pink Rose Of Real Love White Rose Of Purity.. But Look At This Divinity She Can See How Deep Can Be Your Love And She Will Release Your Self From Negative Thoughts She Will Help You To Feel Free And Get Rid Of Your EGO-Centrism She Will Embrace You Into Her Loving Arms And Keep Fear Away From You She Will Heal The Wounded Souls Love Is Her Breath She Will Insufflate Love Into Your Soul She Will Come Into Your Dreams And Reveal Her True Self She Will Caress Your Self So Gently That You May Think The Wind Has Just Come Over You Accept This Divine Love Feel Her Kiss Let Your Self Plunge Deeply Into Her Embrace Time Has Come For You To Surrender To The Goddess Of Love Your Will Hear Her Voice You Will See Through Her Eyes You Will Whisper Through Her Lips You Will Move Through Her Fragance You Will BE Do Not Hesitate....Follow Her Follow Your Heart Follow The Messengers Of Love Re-United As The Loving Doves She Has Just Merged From Her Sleep Sleeping Beauty Awakening Of The Goddess Ask Her To Envelop You With A Shield Made Of Love And You Will Dance And You Will Sing And You Will Live And You Will Fly And YouWill Feel... The Power Of Love And You Will BE The Love And You Will BE She Is ready To Come To Raise You To The Frequency Of Love She Is Ready To Take You Towards The Light Follow Her Follow The Love Follow The Light Love...Love..Love Namaste' Rita Papadopoulou...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The View...!!!

Its a rainy day here in Entebbe, and I bet a cold day in many places the world over. On such days,I usually kick back and relax, while listening to my fav soul jams or with a good book and a large mug of coffee for company!

Today, I can't seem to thank mother enough for the gift of life! Lots of friends and family have gone to better places...and we continue to give her gratitude for their lives and many more lives they'll live.

Besides that,today also brings memories of a long lost friend who chose to see life through the eyes of love. I do not know how she managed to do so...She would call with the worst news but still managed to keep her head up and view this as something that would pass soon.

'Mother knows best!' she always said...

So today,with all the courage I can gather...Ima kick my covers off and see the beauty in this cold weather while giving mother gratitude for such a time as this.

Wishing you Peace and Love,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here We go again...

Hey my long lost lovers and friends,

You must be tired of hearing apologies on this more time and you'll decide the punishment.
Boy! it's been a while since we interacted. Close to a month but feels like forever!
In a span of two months,I've had 2 failed projects,moved house,lost some but I have also had some good things coming this direction. The negative things have been lessons though and even through the storm...I learnt that we should keep a positive perspective.

I also found love and very happy for this. We traveled a bit and you'll get to see some art and about moments...but until then....still good news.

Zawadi arts is going back to Uganda! Yes...we have a Studio where work will begin effective11th April and you are welcome to see our work.

This beautiful dress is one of the Zawadi creations under the brand O-thentik and like many upcoming designers have a one month project of putting a collection...lets wait and see how it goes....

Wishing you peace and love,