Monday, March 26, 2012

Know who you really Are

Know who you really are through the eyes of Understanding...and when only you can understand it...stand up

If no one else is standing stand up ...if you know that you are right...stand up

I bet you will understand it better when all you have to do is stand up for yourself. Hehe...

Wishing you Peace and Love

Know Who you are!

It takes Courage to become who you really are!

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is valuable,worth listening to,worthy of our touch,sacred to our touch.

When you begin to can risk curiosity,wonder,spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit!

After a series of heartaches and mistakes, I gave my heart to the Ocean...the beauty of its roar,the flow and amazing site as she quickly kisses my feet and I smile back as if to say...Marahaba!
Then she teases me and goes back and forth... After a series of heartaches and mistakes, I discovered that they should all go...go go far far away,with the wind...that same wind that brings the water current toward me.
Isn't that amazing to find love through the heartache? Amazing...
Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to be a better lover,mother,sister or friend.
And tonight,when I go to sit at the rocks,I'll double smile at the wind...for taking away the heartache and bringing me peace through water....your life is a sacred journey...

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Wishing you peace and love,