Thursday, June 2, 2011

Conscious fashionistas! Part 1

OOOOOhhh..!!! I am so excited about this new 'project fashionista' that I am venturing into. I have looked into the eye of fashion and tried to understand my sisters(and some brothers) who have the courage to make or break trends. Many of us have watched as the local celebrities,divas,political figures...well,let's say people who seem to always fit in the public eye,try so hard to introduce the latest trends or try to 'create their own'.

I personally appreciate fashion..the cuts,the colors,the fabric,the fitting and oh! the attitude in which one wears it! I am about to introduce a 10 part series of people in our community who have managed to hold their own when it comes to making a fashion statement.

And the Number one contender is.....drums rolling....


It is not about her having it all btw,this diva wears very simple and elegant cuts. I just love the way she wears her colors and fits with a particular theme. She has a very high sense of fashion. She has even gone out of her way to become a trend setter. I love the way she introduces a new trend and girls all over town are going out for it. Love it! Coolstuff!

Somebody..anybody..please send me cool pics of Judith Heard. She rocks!