Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sale at OP

Tis the season to be merry! Yes, this means that many lovers of all things beautiful are going to get their wish lists ticked off. This weekend, the arts community got to experience something very powerful. I call it powerful because it felt as though stewards had gone to survey the land and will go back with a greater crowd to introduce/reintroduce art in the community of Ssese.

Many artists/designers have offered their work at discounts. One such designer is OP! OP is a fast growing brand in Kampala and spreading all over east Africa! Rush there to Muva House in Kabalagala and get discounts this season.

Wishing you peace and love,

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hi lovers of all things beautiful,

The past few weeks were low in energy for me and there was nothing of much beauty to blog about. Occasionally I came across something to blog about but did not have the mojo to put it down and get the best out of the item. With much help from friends and family and good energy from well wishers, I am back! speaking beauty loving hard! Everything is beautiful now, so lets share it on these pages.

I like the way my African sistahs and brothers do their thing especially with color! and I like the fact that color has been reintroduced on the international ramps and bazaars and fashion fairs...really nice!

One of my source of inspiration today with color is accessories....especially the necklaces. Today I am inspires by button necklaces in different shades put together to create one spectrum of beautiful neck gear. This is especially done with buttons and the outcome is simply amazing. You should try this at home and send me your pics.

Wishing you peace and love,

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sesetula arts e Ssesse

The harvest by Xenson!

Dear  Art lovers,
The year finally draws to an end. Long year, short year; whichever side of the coin you fall, it is time to celebrate and appreciate our artistic genius with like-minded individuals through Sesetula arts e Ssese under the theme “why I do what I do”.

Xenson arts presents Sesetula arts e Ssesse, a festival celebrating the linkages that exist between the various forms of art, culture and nature. Artists will get to share their creativity, try out different things; network and hopefully, this experience will provide inspiration for future works.

 has it been a good year not?.  have you achieved your dreams, are getting there well...? we all fall but need to; have to pick ourselves up again; because our creative journey is over only when the ‘Omuzisi’ strikes the last nail in your coffin.

We know you gave it your all and did your best and now it is time to pack up, leave this urbanism; potholes, dust, teargas, traffic jams, soft comfy beds, pizza, hot water, fancy clothes… and join us in a fun packed weekend from 7th – 9th December 2012 at the Pearl Gardens campsite located on the serene and beautiful Bugala Island on Lake Victoria.

For more information on our packages and to make bookings, please call
Achan- 0751697010 or Esi - 0772381552

1.Camping experience: 190,000/-(includes transport to and from the island, a tent with bedding, breakfast, lunch and dinner for 2 days plus participation in all activities.)

FYI: Activities include; battle of the bands, poetry recitals, jam sessions, book club( you can start thinking of a chapter in a book),  treasure hunt, story telling, Maurice Kirya and other artist performances, fashion show,boat graffiti, dance board game, story telling around a bon fire, cocktails on the boat plus a disco. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Eye like this!

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

Remember back in the day when glasses were saved for our grannies and people with eye defects?
Well, not anymore. Eye wear has become a fashion accessory and I am particularly hooked on the geeky ones. Find my a find...especially the cat like ones.

Me likey!

Wishing you peace and love,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Project Zawadi

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

I am so excited about Project Zawadi. We have been following closely on the trends at the recent Fashion weeks and have discovered that we actually already have material to work with on this project. Yes! Bold prints are en vogue.

So since we heart!
Now book for a skirt with bold print from Zawadi eye.

Material from Zawadi Eye!
Wishing you peace and love,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dare to Play it big!

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

I am an Avid reader and supporter of Christina Diaz's posts. This time around I wrote in to her on the Inspirational segment called Inspiration from You. The title of my Gratitude piece is Smiles.


Wishing you Peace and Love,

You Choose

In this issue...
What I've been up to: 'Starting from zero'
The monthly thought: You Choose
Inspiration from you: "The smiles"
A positive recommendation: "We create our own reality"
The thanking corner: my body and dawns

What I've been up to: 'Starting from zero'
More travelling has been in the agenda for me in this past month: more of Manchester hotels, restaurants, train time. And again I have been enjoying it fully, making the most out of these experiences, which I find a blessing.
And truly everything is a blessing when we start from zero. One of the predominant thoughts I've been having this past month has been the idea that we find ourselves content with life to the degree that we compare what we have with what we expect.
For instance, if I expect that my day goes all smooth (quiet time to work in the train, quickly-served food at the restaurant, easy interactions with people) and then for some reason it doesn't (say, I get a very poor service at the restaurant), then I might feel frustrated and upset, because I feel entitled to have things going the way I want them.
However, if I still want a smooth day, but I remind myself that everything is already a blessing and it might as well not be there, then I will find myself very happy with whatever comes.
For instance, I did get a very poor service at one of the restaurants I ate in these past weeks, and my first reaction was one of feeling entitled to having a good service. And then the thought came through, "Cristina, you are in fact eating out at a restaurant of your choice, with a meal of your choice being paid for fully by work, and you don't have to cook or wash dishes." I smiled to myself and acknowledged that I was in fact being very blessed.
So one thing I've been doing this past month is to put that thought into practice and "start from zero", wherever I'm at - this is, I remember that whatever I'm having might as well not have been there. This has allowed me to appreciate more fully all that I've been experiencing.
Wanna boost your life this coming month? Start from zero. All you're having might as well have not been there. Take it anew. Notice your blessings - there are more than you think ;)

The Monthly Thought: You Choose
Ever since I started reading up on positive thinking and on directing our own thoughts, I was fascinated by the idea that ultimately each of us is the master magician of our own life.
There were many authors and ideas that I found inspiring, and each bit of it kept adding up to 'Aha!' moments. Eventually I came across Robert Anton Wilson. His writings, witty and intelligent, are a pleasure to read; but maybe the one thing I read from him which stuck with me the most was his explanation of the thinker and the prover.
Robert Anton Wilson comes to say that it's as if our brains were divided in two parts: the thinker, and the prover. The task of the thinker is to think thoughts. The task of the prover is to prove those thoughts true.
That was a revelation for me. It makes sense to me that, in this life-world-universe where we ultimately cannot know anything for sure (is this a dream? do we come from aliens? did everything really start with the big bang? why did the Mayan civilization disappear? what's up with the stone figures of Easter Island, or Stonehenge?) pretty much it's up to whatever each of us wants to make up.
If I direct my thinker to think that everything started with the big bang, then the prover will show me evidence of it - scientific research, videos, writings from people I think highly of. If I choose to think that we come from aliens, my prover will certainly find evidence of it as well - just have a look at all the videos available online, each of them 'proving' that we come from aliens.
And look, even though it might feel more reasonable to think that everything started from the big bang, my point is that we cannot know for sure. Nobody was there to record it or account for it. So it's up to you to choose whatever belief makes the most sense to you.
From my point of view, it's exactly the same thing for whatever else goes on in life. Ultimately, I cannot know anything for sure, so it's up to me to think whatever I want - the prover will certainly prove it true.
So a while ago I decided to choose a belief in life that would support me. I never understood how some people chose to believe in a God who was punishing and vindictive - if you're going to believe something that you cannot prove, why would you like to believe in something that makes you feel scared and uncomfortable?
Maybe I have the advantage that I didn't grow up in a religious household, and thus I could start from scratch: when the time was right for me, I simply chose to believe something that would make me feel supported and loved.
So I chose to believe that there is a higher intelligence which permeates everything. This higher intelligence (I call it One or Source) 'manifests' in everything we see. Each of us is also a manifestation of the higher intelligence. When we relax enough then we allow more of Source through us, and this shows up as good health, abundance of money, love from other people, good fortune... When we stress, tighten up or feel bad in any way we don't allow Source through us. The thinking process is a tool to bring ourselves to a stance of allowing Source through us.
Ultimately, Source is Love - not romantic love, but a Love of the highest kind you can possibly imagine. And ultimately the whole point of being alive is to allow more of Source through us, which is the same as to live happily, to live enjoying being alive.
That is, in a nutshell, my belief system. I'm well aware that many people don't share it - among them, some of my best friends. And it's alright. Some people have tried to convince me that this belief is just nuts. Others share a similar belief system. My conclusion is that, if my belief system works for me, that's good enough for me. I don't need to convince anybody to subscribe to it, and I don't need to discard it just because others don't believe the same.
In short, I have chosen to believe something that helps me to understand the difficult bits of life, that brings me hope over and over, and that helps me to see further into why we act the way we do. I have chosen to believe something that supports me in my life.
This is the thought that I want to leave you with today: choose a fundamental belief of life that supports you. It's up to you. Within the most secret core of yourself you can choose to believe whatever you want, without the need to even share it - for instance, if you positively know that your friends and family will be everything but supportive of what you believe, you can just do with keeping your belief to yourself.
As long as you choose a belief system that supports you and that makes sense to you, that's all that matters. All is thus well.

Inspiration From You: "The smiles"
Every month I receive emails from readers - some of them contain questions or comments, and some of them are contributions, such as a positive story, an article or a tip.
This month Esther Ochan, from Entebbe, Uganda, shared this touching piece of gratitude:
"The smiles"
I live in a suburb, with high walls surrounding most people's houses. However, right next to my house are squatters. I bet their family has owned the land from way back and have refused to sell to the emerging rich. They do not have the basics that all the other neighbours have.
I am thankful that I can hire one of the girls to do my laundry and pay her many times more, so that she can care for her siblings. I am thankful that the kids smile at me whenever I pass by... and I am thankful that they are happy as well. I am thankful for life.
Thanks, Esther! :-)

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Leggings are back!

Hey my lovers of all things beautiful,

The past weeks ahve been fast paced with a holiday break coupled with the block...I missed you though. Through my vaccation.I have refallen in love with the leggings.

I happened to land on a store that sold great leggings which are a blend of leather and spandex. My oh my they give me back the curves and the sexy look...I like :)

Now, here is a nice way you can wear the leggings and look fly. You want to look sexy yet feel comfy with the look. Get a slightly longer Tee than the usual. This will cover a bit of that mid leg discomfort and give you a good finishing. Wear with ALL STAR CONVERSE for an easy day out or with ankle boots for a more feminine touch.

Enjoy your leggings my lovers

Wishing you peace and love,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Boyfriend WATCH!

Yep yep lovers of all things beautiful.

Up until recently, time was an illusion. Catch me dead wearing one of those time tellers on my wrist, I would say. However, due to this fashion evo...huhuhuhu...I am so loving it. Yes, the Boyfriend watch

Wishing you peace and love,

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Damn! this is sooooo in!!

I am excited and anxious to get my hands on the latest denim material. Lovers, denim is trending right now. After reading it from the fashionista bible- Harper's Bazaar, I might as well be spotted wearing one sometime soon.

Go get them Denim lovers!

Wishing you Peace and love,

Monday, August 13, 2012

My Kiprotich

After 40 years of watching other countries take gold home, Uganda was well represented at the Olympics. It was quite a defining moment, tears rolled down my face as the Anthem played. So many of us had lost hope of seeing gold being brought back home but Stephen Kiprotich has done us proud.

And now, this will go down in History- the last Anthem played at the Olympics....Shikamo (I kiss your feet) have done us proud.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Uganda International Book Festival

The Uganda International Book Festival is aimed at promoting reading culture and storytelling.

We invite readers,writers/authors,story-tellers,visual artists,poets,stand up comedians to register for this event.

This year we shall be celebrating authors and readers

Friday, August 3, 2012

My Matooke!

Matooke is a staple food for the Baganda, a tribe found mainly in Central Uganda. This steamed Plantain is also the backbone of many Agriculturalists in Central and Western Uganda.
Matooke Plant

There are many ways of preparing matooke but the most common way is to wrap it in fibre and leaves and then steam it. You can also slice this in tiny pieces and have tasty fries...
One way of preping Matooke is by steaming it!

Tasty with beef,fish,Groundnuts and my fave..peas...:)

I have seen my brothers in Bukoba enjoying a meal with matooke too, making it an East African fave.
Matooke with peas!

Tip; Matooke is a very delicate food. Treat her like a tender lady and voila! you'd nail it!

Wishing you peace and love,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Africa...:)

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,
In a few weeks time, my Country (Uganda) is going for the big FIVE OH!!! Ho ho..and we are looking forward to grab Gold!

As we head towards the celebrations, I will introduce a few aspects of Ugandan Culture, the peoples, tribes and figures, who have made history and continue to create an impact in our lives. I aced History so this is a walk in the park...we should all enjoy. I will also throw in a pinch of that unstructured Esi art and about vibe on spontaneous aspects. I've coined the phrase "My Africa" just so that you can step into my world on this tour...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wishing you Peace and Love,

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Malcolm in Dar Middle!

I am not in Dar but any one who wishes to go for this concert on my flyer,send me a short reply and it is yours :)

The Embassy of Switzerland and Serena Hotel present a concert by World Class Jazz Pianist Malcolm Braff on Saturday, 4th August 2012, 8 p.m. at Serena Hotel Dar es Salaam, the Marquee. 
The entrance is free. Please bring the attached flyer with you as proof that you have received this invitation.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So, lovers of all things beautiful.
A few weeks ago we(my pal and I) finally ticked one thing off our bucket list-Bungee Jumping!
Yes! This was quite ecstatic and fulfilling I wanted to do it again!
44Meters of adrenalin fun and then poooowwww into the Nile! Felt really cool after (I slept like a baby that night) but my neck hurt still (from before) so...well...was still worth it.
Now we looking forward to ticking off all those items on the bucket list and can't wait to go diving sometime this year. In the mean time,I am polishing my skills at a pool not far from home.
Cheers beautiful people-Go make your dreams come true :)
Wishing you Peace and Love,

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Day dreaming and am thinking of you...

Peace and love to the shoe lovers!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Introducing Adele Dejak

I had a chance to meet with this eclectic designer at WaswasDs Art exhibition. Her pieces can only be made from a skillful soul meant to create this for beautiful people who appreciate the fact that they were created to enjoy the est that life has to offer.
I love Adele and love her work even more. The cow-horn bracelet spoke to my soul and I am looking forward to my Lamu weekend get away to pick a few of her pieces and wear them with grace.
Here, you will notice that her finishing is of high quality and that's what makes Adele Dejak tick. Her designs are aligned with other contemporary pieces to create that classic up to date look!
Now beautiful people, enjoy Adele...

Adele Dejak introduces effortlessly chic

For a night out, try this sexy look

Adele with a Chichia of London dress blends perfectly

Ps. Find Adele Dejak at Village market,on your way to Runda,or in Lamu.
And if you are around the Kampala area and need her pieces, do send me a reply and we will make sure you purchase one of her off to enjoy Adele.

Wishing you peace and love,

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Yaaaay!!! MONOCLE

Hey lovers,
look what I was Introduced to by my Boss. ok. not that directly! A literal enthusiast came to office...she was inquisitive,i became inquisitive...we all were on the same platform and bang! am constantly learning. This is the best thing that ever happened to curious minds. You literally travel the world through this Magazine. It is a creative way of catching up with current affairs.
Enjoy your Monocle
Wishing you peace and love,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

Word from fashionville is all about the Graphic print dresses that have hit the market. I can't wait to get my hands on one supercool one! I like the basic prints put together to create quite a piece of work. The art is kept simple yet amazing to the eye.
Simply beautiful1

xquisitely splendid!

fashionably fabulous!

casual chic

And that lovers,you should have...ahem...we should have.
Wishing you peace and love,

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Shoe me the way!

Love these new items...hmmm

dear lovers, you'll realize that these extreme pieces are either loved or loathed-there's no buts!

I personally love it when people experience themselves through what they love. shoes,clothes or any possession should define who you are!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This week in Accessories

I just came across a very lovely fashion post in Elle with 2 special accessories that I am so into lately.

cuffs are so in!

The second element for the week is this

A belt like this is on point!

Well my lovers,enjoy the rest of the week.
Peace and love,

Monday, July 9, 2012

Touching lives

Last Saturday, my art and about moment was in form of a Women empowerment training which kicked off on a good note. I am looking forward to being a phenomenal woman. I want to touch a life and right my past wrongs by being a better sister,wife,mother and friend in the days to come.

Lets all join together and support each other...Build and do not destroy. Oneness forever

Wishing you peace and love,

Friday, July 6, 2012

Changing Lives

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

I want to share some beautiful stories with you from Lira. These are lives that have been touched by the KiBO Program.

Please visit

Let us interact on  this.

Wishing you peace and love,

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Plus size

Hi lovers of all things beautiful,

Just a thought- Everybody must/should feel comfortable in their skin and love themselves just the way they are. Initially, the fashion world cared less for plus sized models. However, this trend has picked up and human has realised that one does not have to b stick thin to feel beautiful. I had a conversation with a pal who gave me pointers on how she dresses up her full figure and loves the way she appears. Taking care of herself gives her the freedom and satisfaction to be on the same platform like every other fashion lover. In fact her Husband does not want her to lose an ounce of that beautiful package.
Love your body!

The Rules of Plus Size Fashions

Dress monochromatically.
     Dressing in one color de-emphasizes your problem areas by creating one long silhouette.
    Break out the heels.
     Heels elongate your legs, making you look more put together. Plus Size Fashions: Fashion isnt Just for Skinny People  pumps and heels are cool .
    Low-Low-rise is not an option.
     Very few people, regardless of size, can wear low-low-rise pants.
    Avoid crop jackets.
     Crop jackets draw attention to your waist and butt. Purchase well-structured jackets that hit you right below your bottom.
    Vertical lines are a must.
     Vertical stripes make you look thinner by drawing the eye to look up and down rather than side to side.
    Purchase boot-cut pants.
     Pencil-leg pants make big butts look even bigger. Stick with pants that have a slight flare at the bottom to create a more balanced look.
    Find a great tailor.
     Don’t throw out those great-fitting pants because they’re too long. A sharp tailor will be able to hem them to your desired length.
Now am off to enjoy my body...remember,we create our own realitiesWishing you peace and love,Esi

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Party with fashionista Barbs

Hey beautiful People,
The day was really lovely as everyone from my work place participated in an aerobics session by the beach and after we jumped into the dirty lake for a swim with no care in the world but a body full of an itch thereafter...Nevertheless,it was fun.
We love!

My Pal Barbs celebrated her Birthday a few hours ago in Spain and I love this fashionista and her trends. She sets them and wears them appropriately.(She's probably going to kill me for stealing this pic) but I wanted to introduce such effortless fashion to art lovers out there. This is a piece of work that spells originality. We at Zawadi Eye wish you many more birthdays Barbs and do send us pics for the blog...mwaaaaaaah

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Endiro Coffee Anniversary

The coffee house interior spells beauty!

Hi lovers of all things beautiful.

Initially we thought to write you the blog on Monday,Wednesday and Friday...but ...well...we are spontaneous and that is how I like it-just go with the flow.

Ok. Yesterday,a pal and I went to this amazing,beautiful and cozy coffee house in Kisementi called Endiro Coffee. It was their 1st year Anniversary and my Boss from work was kind enough to pass the invitation over when I asked so Kudos to KiBO Foundation we got to experience this beautiful day. Perfect day for coffees as it had rained all day too...yaaaaay!
Tasty Affogato!

I was impressed by everything. The menu was off the hook. My first taste of it was an affogato. This is a blend of espresso with toppings of Ice cream.ummmmmmm very tasty. This comes in large servings btw.

Jonathan had a cafe mocha!

Every bit of the place is adorable btw and it felt comfortable sharing coffees and light conversation in this environment.

Somewhere along the way

My second taste (oh yeah I was out to spoil myself) was iced coffee. Tasty too. A blend of espresso served with cold water and ice and honey. Tasted like they'd poured a pinch of eucalyptus in it....mmmmmmm

Thats my iced coffee!

The staff are equally as nice and Nicholas was extra nice to us ..we so liked!(pics on my next endiro post)
And we all had a fab evening out!

This is s'posed to be Jonathan and I (better pix next ; ) )

Ok. lovers, if ever you are in the Kololo area, please pop by Endiro coffee. The prices are affordable and the coffee even better!

Wishing you Peace and love,

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Zawadi Eye...

Hey my lovers of all things beautiful,

Yesterday passed by sooooo fast I forgot didn't do much about you and I apologize.

However,something huge is in the pipe-line in regard to the re-birth of Zawadi Arts through our latest baby called Zawadi Eye! We are re branding and re conceptualizing and putting all our creative minds as the team to deliver to you a one- stop arts Center. A lot is still underway but I must say we are on the Path. The weekend is kicking in which  means lots of Art shows,sales and Saunas. So enjoy my lovers and am wishing you all Peace and love.


Monday, June 25, 2012


Hey my lovers,

I am at the beginning of ending certain things in my life and embracing others. Old habits die hard but all one has to do is remain conscious on this path of self discovery.

Well,so far so good and there is a lot of positive energy coming my way in terms of setting goals and prioritizing. Hmmm I have even considered getting a smart phone to get my work done faster...jeeeeez....can't a girl be? Anyways,its always nice to discover things that the entire world has been going on forever on. (Ask again which world I live in : ) ))

Among the work that Zawadi Eye has committed herself to do this July is affirmation cards. We live life on the optimistic side and want to spread this movement to the corners of the earth. What better way than to have something that will constantly remind you that you are loved,admired,beautiful.worthy...fill in the blank than with  an affirmation card.

Look out for the pics of this project coming soon.

Wishing you peace and love.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Hey my lovers,

Last week,all my energies were directed toward KiBO Foundation. Well, this is the full time job that I am up to right now.

See, there are a lot of opportunities from my work place. First, in terms of socializing. God! I've not spoken that much in my lifetime as I have 3 months into KiBO. Trust me though my lovers-This-feels-good!
Ok,back to job family! There's no way I would trade anything for the past week's lessons learnt from this week. Thats the second bit of the love-We are constantly searching for authentic ways to evolve. Love it!

My country had the budget read and after all is said and done,I still feel that I can gain the confidence to wear my wedges and enjoy a day about town without any hard feelings and all is well.
Wedges...Sexiest most comfy foot wear to date.
Here are a few of the pieces that will do without really breaking out of your wages bracket.

Get on the pretty girl list with these!

Add captionThe best thing that ever happened to comfort!

This is a very colorful way to celebrate life! See things on the brighter side and move a long with that.
My lovers and all the darlings out there.

TOMS Footwear for a cause!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Necklaces with Soul

Hey my lovers.

I hope you all had a fantastic start of the week and enjoyed your weekend. It is important to take a breather once in a while,especially if you have busy week days and do the things that you have always put off. This helps one to get in tune with themselves as well as eliminates the spirit of procrastination.

Well,with time on my hands and a head of ideas,the weekend brought in creativity energy in form of necklace making.

Did you know that chunky flowery and busy necklaces are so in? It is quite easy to find material too so away we went with this piece of work.
I got the idea online and made it work!

Simplicity is key!

The outcome was wonderful chic and trendy necklaces. Every fashionista ought to have one like this in her closet.

Wishing you peace and love,