Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Resurrection Day!

Hi Lovers of all things beautiful,

As we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, let us also celebrate new beginnings. He died so that we can be condemnation whatsoever...

May we also reflect on new beginnings and enjoy what His resurrection has to offer to us...enjoy!

Wishing you Peace & Love

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Love this style

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

Look what we found. Through Bella Naija we came across one of Africa's finest Viv La Resistance. Looking to get one of these soon.

Wishing you Peace & Love,

Friday, March 15, 2013

Golden dots

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

Oh this month, am particularly transitioning back into my old had been a long time coming and lately getting to loving what real life entails. Long walks in the forest, a bit of writing inspiration here and there and simply appreciating life as it hair weave is out and am looking forward to having a love affair with this afro kinky hair. Nevertheless, we still love it fine. A few months ago I saw this fine designer in Denmark and oh did this label rock. Now we have Stine Goya with Golden dots and simply because they are wearable.

Wishing you Peace & Love,

Monday, March 11, 2013

For the love of!

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

We at Zawadi had a fab women's day celebration which was highlighted with a fashion show. I particularly fell in love with the bold statement prints and colors that were the main theme of the day. About 8 artists came out to showcase their individual designs coupled by colabo's that were simply off the hook...

Fashion rising were my best individual designs and boy did they rock! They had artisan luxury goods to support V-Day's global women's initiative and as a way of celebrating women's day along with One Billion rising, this was the best cause ever!

We are all looking forward to seeing much more from designers out there.

Wishing you Peace & Love,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

One Billion Rising

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

I hope you all had a fab week and remained in your beautiful nature. I also hope that even if you were faced with certain challenges and situations that tried to hold you down, you still lifted your head high and remained beautiful-I mean both on the inside and outside.

There is a new wave that has gotten our attention at Zawadi...One Billion rising!

This is quite an inspiring move-good vibes-the energy is way up there and we all need to stand up.
Say NO to violence in all forms

Wishing you Peace & Love,