Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Taking it one step at a time

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

Like I told you before, I have now moved and the transition is slow but steady. We are getting used to the cold and appreciating each day. I also have a chance to appreciate the little things like warm weather that I sometimes miss but above all am learning new things. I also want to challenge myself this year with a new language, study a bit and get to take more pictures that are worth sharing.
For now it is greetings from the cold and will update you soon about my new town and many more art and about moments worth sharing.

Wishing you Peace & Love,

Thursday, January 9, 2014

From the Swahili fashion week Afrostreet Kollektion Kenya

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

I wish to share these amazing pictures I have taken from re-known Tanzanian fashion designer Mustafa Hassanali for the Afrostreet Kollektion Kenya.

I could not help but mavel at each pieca and fell in love with the entire kollektion.

Wishing you Peace & Love,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New year, new You

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

I hope you all had yourselves a fabulous transition into 2014. I did!

This new year will be even more cool if we focus on renewing ourselves from the inside out. It all starts from the mind they say and they are absolutely true.

So a new me includes learning a new language, making a few new friends and the list goes on and on. But the ultimate is trying out new things and getting to succeed at them in order to emerge as a winner.

I am wishing all of you a good journey as you discover yourselves in 2014 and hope you can share some of your experiences with us on art and about.

Wishing you Peace & Love,