Thursday, October 7, 2010

Food for Thought!!

Does any of this matter? That the nourishment of the mind is no different from nourishment for the body...and that what you put inside eventually triplicates to create your reality?

I am forced to believe this as true and with this,I need to restructure how I spend my time and evaluate all things which cause one to evolve. Call it fun/Entertainment but this sh**t sure works!

  • How does one spend their free time.
  • How does one spend their entertainment quid
  • How much TV does one watch
  • How many movies does one see
  • What kind of programs does one watch.
  • How many books does one read in a month.
  • How many concerts does one attend.
  • How many ballets
  • What kind of music does one listen to
  • Does all this help to evolve the mind???

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