Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Love that!

Haha! My girls got us cracking ...really hard! I've forgotten all about my worries like cancelling flights and missing planned activities. They say something's gotta give and its best to laugh off this season doing silly things but working as hard too rather than be in a foreign place learning something.That should be saved for after new years since we need to do have this resolution rituals together.

I love my girls to death and they make e laugh.This picture was taken after my beste gave me 3 kisses. Check out my cheeks..(Lip tattoo)... and we are headed for more fun.

   And the kids are having equally mad fun at the house. They love all the get- togethers.

  And everyone is out and about trying to squeeze out the most of their free time..while team Zawadi has chosen to go art and about at all these spots to kill 2 birds with one stone-Party hard-work harder!

All the best guys,
Peace and love,

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