Sunday, January 15, 2012

The designers that I admire.


As an up coming designer, there are lots of fashion designers that I admire. I have had the pleasure of knowing some personally and this makes me admire them even more.

Here are a few who made the list.

DPiper Twins

These twins are extremely creative. They are from Ghana. Very hot! and also creative.

Mustafa Hassanali

He has designed the most elegant dresses in East Africa. He is from Tanzania...very talented with a beautiful soul.

Vida Mahimbo

She is beautiful and humble. She introduced the famous Kanga jeans which have now made an international mark in the world of fashion!

Ally Rhemtullah

He is quite eclectic and unconventional in his designs...very haute!

I should be able to send you more info on my fave designers...

Wishing you peace and love

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