Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have a lot of time today...guys and gals...

But I have taken time off to say my gratifications for every good thing that has come my way.
See,sometimes we forget to say thank you for even the least that we receive.

My daughter reminded me of this today...she said.."Mom you forgot to say thank you" for something so little that I had just ignored. Now I know that we all ought to take time and be grateful for the little things that we receive...That is how the source of all things will trust us enough to grant us those big things that we so much desire.

Come to think of it. Its just like with the friends or work mates whom we chose to associate with. Being closer to them means that we trust and understand them enough to be around them. In the same way,the source will have to trust us in order to give himself/herself to us unconditionally.
This applies in terms of our roles in society,our ability to look after the underprivileged and the poor and so he will increase in our finances,increase in our social stands,increase in our every thing.

So today,just take a few minutes to say "Thank you" for all that you have...

In all things,give thanks...

Wishing you peace and love,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Hi guys and gals,

Due to the work load that this year has offered(yes I love to work)! I will only update the blog 3 times a week...That is on Monday,Wednesday and Friday.

Zawadi Arts has a baby project called Zawadi Eye and am proud to tell you guys that we are launching our first clothe line on 8th March. We also would love to promote other designers so keep us posted...

The website is now under construction and there will be a wider range of entertainment to receive...

I am also looking forward to my writing project at the local far so good and am not yet bored to move on....loving it 6 months down the road...yaaaaay....

So,I wish you all the best my lovers...and I will keep reminding you to...just like my pal puts iy..."Look up for some honey when it gets tough" Do not ever give up on your dreams.

Wishing you peace and Love,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I am so loving what I see in terms of shoe potential this year. We have a lot of African inspired themes that are at play and this will prove to be one of my best this space...

with peace and love

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The designers that I admire.


As an up coming designer, there are lots of fashion designers that I admire. I have had the pleasure of knowing some personally and this makes me admire them even more.

Here are a few who made the list.

DPiper Twins

These twins are extremely creative. They are from Ghana. Very hot! and also creative.

Mustafa Hassanali

He has designed the most elegant dresses in East Africa. He is from Tanzania...very talented with a beautiful soul.

Vida Mahimbo

She is beautiful and humble. She introduced the famous Kanga jeans which have now made an international mark in the world of fashion!

Ally Rhemtullah

He is quite eclectic and unconventional in his designs...very haute!

I should be able to send you more info on my fave designers...

Wishing you peace and love

Friday, January 13, 2012


My art and about moment is uneventful today...

Yesterday was my Birthday and I had a fab time with the people that I love.

Today,am taking time off to reflect and just be and think of the years that are past.

I know things might not have turned out exactly as I pictured my life to be...but here's to another year of trying and making them be.

Follow your dreams to the end!

With peace and love,

Monday, January 9, 2012


I had a chance to watch this beautiful wedding from my balcony at home.

It was so beautiful and amazing...This must have a been an army official getting married.

The ceremony of sword honor...the mess-like suits...gloves......the whole works.

I loved!

This was really amazing.

Wishing you peace and love.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Zawadi is Swahili for the gift.
I am so excited about the ventures that Zawadi Arts has this year.

This is my sister wearing one of our Zawadi creations. I like the way she blends the dress to fit her teen style.

I am so loving it.

Here are a few more images of Zawadi that you would love.

I love this dress. It can be worn formally at a high end event with high heels or at a casual gathering with sandals. You can hold a clutch bag or a casual one. Love it!
And this necklace? I so love making them.

Wishing you peace and love,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year beautiful people

I am so excited for the good things that I foresee this year.
I am also excited for the projects that I have ahead especially for this blog. I intend to make it even better.

I am wishing you a prosperous New Year and I wish you all the best in all you do.

Wishing you peace and love,