Monday, December 29, 2014

Last word!

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

I bet you all enjoyed this festive season. I did. My girl celebrated her first Christmas and this was quite emotional for all of us in the family- the simple joys!

The year is coming to an end. Have you written down your resolutions yet or are you the spontaneous type that goes with the flow? whatever suits your fancy, enjoy ,enjoy and enjoy.

We have also come to the end of the road with this blog art and about. It has been a good 6 years writing my art and about moments and simply sharing. Sometimes a word or two...other times beautiful pictures and many ,many times, positive vibes.

Zawadi started as a small art shop in Entebbe (Uganda) in 2006, we sold the usual African crafts. However in 2007 my business partner and I expanded the shop and incorporated other businesses which included well besides selling only craft, we offered high- end African paintings, had a coffee shop, a video lending department and books for rent. We had our ups, we had our downs but I must say we tried damn hard! During the course of our Zawadi experience our business had to stop.

Why am I telling you this? This is a story of our Zawadi journey. It has been many years of struggles but she is still standing. Through friends and family we made things work. It never always went well but Zawadi was stronger than I thought. I recall at a certain point we never had premises but that has not shaken my dream. when I got a revelation to write a women's book in 2009, I thought by 2010 we would be making sales and going for book signings...yes ambition and yet such was not what happened.

 This is to encourage somebody out there who has a dream -never give up!. It may delay to manifest but God's timing is always the best...and his blessing adds no sorrow. We want to thank each and every individual who wrote to us about style tips, people who bought our art and other products, the ones who posted comments, the ones who visit this page...thank you for allowing Zawadi to share a little of what she desired at the time. Never give up.

This story goes to show how our losses can sometimes work as that in turn we can catch the big fish. You can never know how precious something is if you do not know its value...and one can never know what true happiness is if they have never experienced pain.

As I write this, I am moving on to another project. It is quite related to Zawadi art. We have rebranded to ZawadiEye! and believe that 2015 is our year of packaging art with a pinch of the business sense.

We wish you a happy new year and once again thank you.

With Peace & Love,

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