Friday, November 26, 2010

Braid it!

Def-A structure of hair that is made by weaving three or more strands of hair together.

Hair braiding in Africa can be traced back as far as 3500BC and is a large part of many cultures in Africa.

Young girls have their female friends or relatives to braid their hair and learn many elaborate hairstyles of braids which they keep practicing and redefining.

 In Egypt,braiding was done on wigs which were worn by Royalty.

Braiding can be more than one thing. The act of getting together to braid hair could be an opportunity to socialize and pass down tradition.

Having one's hair braided keeps it out of the way and makes it easy to maintain.
Hair braiding was originally done by married women only in certain societies but it has become a function of style rather than anything else in modern times.