Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Sound of Independence.

Flashback-October 9th 1962.

This was the sound of Independence coming from the North!(esp among the Alur doing their lazy butt twisting number...) Adungu (9 stringed bow harp) was pulled out to celebrate liberation on paper! 9 to represent the day of the month(never mind my bs but I hope so).

There was jubilation all over the place as the Union Jack was raised to down to give room for you know what!

Black-Black Africa
Red-Brotherhood of mankind!
And the crested crane that represents life...Everlasting!

Fast Forward
40 da** 8 years later, we can't help(I can't) but wonder why the system just had to go that path. Without much in question I bet it is for the greater good .And with Peace and Love,let Freedom reign all through.

Oh Ouganda! May God Uphold thee!

I wish Y'all a happy Independence-I know mine is way much happier-step into my world : )...let freedom reign...let peace prevail! Let the comrades hold their heads up high as if to say 'Thats was ,this is'..and may we all live to break a leg when we clock 50...tick tock!