Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thoughts On Paper...Randoms

Wednesday (read Mid week) usually determines how the weekend will go. Always hopeful and craving to squeeze out the best out of it though. Its Wednesday and this blank sheet of paper is starring at am feeling sorry for all the scribbles and illustrations he is going to have in a few minutes...Random things # Thoughts! Peace. What if I wrote on peace? there is so much noise coming from different activities around . They surround and even attempt to choke my thoughts. I need to focus and beat that monster noise and turn it into that much needed peace...piece of cake since I can still feel stillness speak. Stillness from within. Now Peace is attained from within.Harmony...all the rest is the face of the enemy of Peace...just search within!
Peace #People Persons considered as a whole... Personally, I am a firm believer of Karma. Everything we have ever done and everyone we have ever encountered in our waking life was predestined by a higher power. But we cannot know unless we decipher the purpose of the meeting. It is in such cases that one ought to remain conscious. It is also important to see things through the eyes of now! Eckhart Tolle speaks directly to this mountain through his book the power of Now. And I have come to learn that some people come around to stay,some will go,some will hurt you,others? you'll never know. BUT! always remember that nobody said it would be easy...take it with a inch of lightness,memory,consciousness and never forget Karma!
Karma #3 Possessions My best friend recently reminded me that where my treasure is,the heart will be. Yes yes this is so true. She also reminded me to know exactly who I am not measure my worth by my belongings...thoughts. Paulo Coelho speaks clearly about this in his book the Alchemist. We learn that this lad wanted in completely. He went through huddles,overcame a lot of mountains (Goliath) to truly find himself. Now,I also know a story about this man who was so greedy he wanted everything and anything. He had a store filled with anything you can imagine. One day,termites infested his possessions and guess what he was left with..yes you guessed right! So,make sure you are going to store your treasures were your heart is. Do not allow for termites to even come close.Ditto!
Ok...that's just my 2 cents worth...something to think about. Wishing you peace and love, Esi