Monday, June 25, 2012


Hey my lovers,

I am at the beginning of ending certain things in my life and embracing others. Old habits die hard but all one has to do is remain conscious on this path of self discovery.

Well,so far so good and there is a lot of positive energy coming my way in terms of setting goals and prioritizing. Hmmm I have even considered getting a smart phone to get my work done faster...jeeeeez....can't a girl be? Anyways,its always nice to discover things that the entire world has been going on forever on. (Ask again which world I live in : ) ))

Among the work that Zawadi Eye has committed herself to do this July is affirmation cards. We live life on the optimistic side and want to spread this movement to the corners of the earth. What better way than to have something that will constantly remind you that you are loved,admired,beautiful.worthy...fill in the blank than with  an affirmation card.

Look out for the pics of this project coming soon.

Wishing you peace and love.