Monday, November 26, 2012

Hi lovers of all things beautiful,

The past few weeks were low in energy for me and there was nothing of much beauty to blog about. Occasionally I came across something to blog about but did not have the mojo to put it down and get the best out of the item. With much help from friends and family and good energy from well wishers, I am back! speaking beauty loving hard! Everything is beautiful now, so lets share it on these pages.

I like the way my African sistahs and brothers do their thing especially with color! and I like the fact that color has been reintroduced on the international ramps and bazaars and fashion fairs...really nice!

One of my source of inspiration today with color is accessories....especially the necklaces. Today I am inspires by button necklaces in different shades put together to create one spectrum of beautiful neck gear. This is especially done with buttons and the outcome is simply amazing. You should try this at home and send me your pics.

Wishing you peace and love,