Friday, May 7, 2010


Today,i feel whole...something inside of me wants to pop out... I can't contain it and soon I'm going to explode in this awareness.

On my way from town,I saw a tree...ordinary...with leaves...some dry and others really green.I felt like getting down on my knees to give gratitude to the creator.what a thought...for everything has purpose.Imagine,even those dry leaves will wither and be helpful to the earth...talking of purpose.

Sometimes we as human beings forget our sole purpose.We tend to forget that we are spirit in flesh form and not the other way around.

It is small facts like that,which I forget...then recall on a rainy day...yes,small facts like that which would have gone with the wind had it not been a rainy day but just the wind blowing constantly.

So,as I gather my self thanks for lessons taking me into mastery,I can't help but be aware that even this happened for a reason...that the child who carelessly crossed the road had to go that day...that a loved one declared they were terminally ill and there's nothing I could do about it...or agree that I eventually fell out of love....yes,all these things teach me to remain in the present,whether good or bad and yet give thanks.

With love and light

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