Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Lady Jay Dee and Shear joint Event

The Lady Jay Dee and Shear joint Event

Hi folk....Here is an"Art and About"clip of the Lady Jay Dee and Shear Event.
Knowing this African Sistah,I dressed down to blend with the rythms yet still felt good about myself thus the head wrap.On such days,I hold my head high and love being a woman.
She came in for her own concert quite late but it didn't stop the crowd from enjoying the Machozi band that entertained us on stage.HAKUNA MATATA,the problem free philosphy was playing in our heads!!!
 Eventually She made up for our lost time.
Along with me where my heart friend Beatrice's two babies..Sarah and Simsim and I played big sistah quite well.

Sarah with Lady Jay Dee...I love her Arabian outfit!!! I don't know what her source of inspiration that night was but her outfit blended well with the section of Taraab music she played...Nice!!!

Sarah  and I sneeked back stage to do pictures with Lady Jay Dee...I love my job haha!

This Lady Jay Dee and Shear fan dressed simply but smart.

Sarah and a fan..I took this picture because I love her sense of style.Brilliant...

Sarah with two georgeous ladies..
I had a picture with the georgeous ladies as we were all wearing shoes by SPOT!!!They are very comfy...

With a fan...
Mo ' fun fans...

And the fun went on....Yo!
OOOooooh sexy fly chic sistahs!!!

The crowd doing the South African shuffle....

I love this fave color green...
I loved har shorts and tights...and her body hugs them quite well

My Patner In Crime(p.i.c) !!! on the job.

Love the earrings!!!

Lady Jay Dee and Machozi band..

My beste ...she has a heart of gold...and she rocks the red carpet gracefully! I love

With fashion designer Khadija...she takes care of 10 HIV positive orphans and has created a home for them.I love her cause...I love her designs too...
With Martin from Clouds FM...



Love the pants,shun the shoes...
Looking red hot on the red carpet!

Sibling smile...
sistah sistah

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