Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Boundless one.

“With creative wild abandon and imaginative play,
with a belief in the infinite possibilities of the human psyche,
with feet on the ground and heads in the stars,
we endeavor to knock at the door of the human heart,
reminding ourselves and each other that once upon a time
is really here and now.”
  Angi Sullins

Oh what a joy to know that quotes can uplift Spirit.

For a few days now,I have been doing eff all when it came to writing. I just stared at a blank piece of paper with no squeeze out of the creative juices was plainly bleak!

However,this didn't stop me from searching and reading a few quotes here and there which eventually made me feel more and more sad as I sank into a deep-ah! I don't want to call it depressed, but something close to that sort of feeling.

This morning was equally dull and I skipped all things beautiful.From the morning jog to breakfast and was about to consider this day a total disaster when I run into this quote above.

Boy oh boy was this meant for a day like this?

Now I am out and about-looking for what to write,and believe you me,there's a lot to share.

Ciao ciao for now.


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