Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

Ciao ciao! This year has brought in amazing styles and colors we have not seen before. First off, the color emerald, which is the color of the year really looks good on my chocolate  skin. This is my year!

Secondly, I like the bold statements in all forms. The earrings, necklaces and bracelets just add a little more color to our fab lives and I can say life rocks!

At Zawadi eye! we have put together an emerald collection which will be unveiled in March. 6 dresses that would simply blow your mind away.

I am also on a personal level with my full time job involved in a bit of travel to various districts in the country to improve on communication skills and build confidence among 100 participants from the Infectious Diseases Institute . It seems to be working well and I am learning a lot from them. Life is beautiful in the end.

Wishing you peace and love,

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