Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fashion Sense...

This look is very laid back yet chic..I simply love the blend of hippie/sexy heels. That's what fashion is all about-effortlessly chic
Representing all beautiful Ugandans.She is one of Uganda's finest and has created such a huge impact on aspiring models...Besides being beautiful...she has brains : )

These Manolos spell sophistication and this is exactly what i read among the chic cherries of Kigali...I worship the ground Manolo's walk!!! ah ah ah! Check out the sales...

Steet fashion is soooo in! I saw a kaleidescope of fashion conscious trends on the street...i love i love i love...

This is it! Belle!!! Chic/ trendy

This soul sistah does it for me.I love her style from head to toe-she is a fashionista and I am soooooo loving it!

This-I want.
We always have a little black number theme at New Africa and I am looking forward to wearing this dress.

First,it was in stores,then this lovely this space

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