Sunday, October 17, 2010

Into Your Confidence

This is an introduction into my written Affirmation journal called Into Your Confidence.
Due to slight changes at the printers,we delayed the overall sales but the launch was great and many people are being inspired by this. Be sure to get a copy when we hit the stands in a few days time.

Ok.I will tell you a wee bit about this Journal.It is in line with what I was questioning all day-What makes us complete???This journal will help you venture into certain areas that will lead to self discovery.Trivial things say,what makes a friend a friend....yet even great thinkers like Emerson have let us know plainly that to have a friend,you need to be one. So,its things like this that will uplift one's Spirit and guide us along the way.

Again,please get this journal for your mother,sister,wife,aunt.daughter....and for Boaz too!  

Into your confidence
I write in Praise of the capable lady. She is an ideal symbol of completion.
As I proceed, all I can do is visualize creating my realities, to
meet her capabilities.
With the right outlook towards what one wants, say staying focused,
determined and unshaken in any situation, discoveries of who you
really are will clearly emerge. The proverbs 31 lady’s actions say it
How privileged we are to know that we can all grow and blossom
into such a woman with a mere shift in our perception and drive
towards our goals.
In this book, my source of inspiration is the lady, as emphasized by
King Solomon. She serves as the ideal.
We all have various goals in life we want to achieve to create a perfect
picture in the end. Yet through our imperfections we struggle to
create the perfect. Only through courage can we stand by our words
and watch them become our realities. And only through courage can
we identify with confidence.
May we all celebrate our confidence in all things created but mostly
in the creator of all, above all, in all, through all
With love and Peace,

Tabitha…woman of good works

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