Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sorry guys,I intended to share a link. It was a couple and friends and I being interviewed on that Kony 2012 issue. Anyways,I'm no techy but its time to upgrade. So,you'll be seeing it soon. X

On another note. I want you to enjoy this pic. Love it! Can't wait to wear my boots this weekend- A couple of pals plan on showing me the finer things in my own town and am up for the challenge-inhale! exhale!-leggo

Kony 2012

 Look what I came across on Worldviews Project

As many of you know a film has been widely circulating on Youtube and through social media called Kony 2012 while I have been here in Uganda.  I wanted to respond to the film and to provide some tools and resources to others who would like to understand the multiple perspectives involved in such a complex issue.  These two films will hopefully help to shed some light on what my experience has been here in Uganda and what Ugandans think about the film.  Please don’t just take my word for it, I have included below some other links you should check out, including the link to the original movie that spurred all of this discussion.  Looking forward to hearing back from all of you!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Know who you really Are

Know who you really are through the eyes of Understanding...and when only you can understand it...stand up

If no one else is standing stand up ...if you know that you are right...stand up

I bet you will understand it better when all you have to do is stand up for yourself. Hehe...

Wishing you Peace and Love

Know Who you are!

It takes Courage to become who you really are!

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is valuable,worth listening to,worthy of our touch,sacred to our touch.

When you begin to can risk curiosity,wonder,spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit!

After a series of heartaches and mistakes, I gave my heart to the Ocean...the beauty of its roar,the flow and amazing site as she quickly kisses my feet and I smile back as if to say...Marahaba!
Then she teases me and goes back and forth... After a series of heartaches and mistakes, I discovered that they should all go...go go far far away,with the wind...that same wind that brings the water current toward me.
Isn't that amazing to find love through the heartache? Amazing...
Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to be a better lover,mother,sister or friend.
And tonight,when I go to sit at the rocks,I'll double smile at the wind...for taking away the heartache and bringing me peace through water....your life is a sacred journey...

<object width="960" height="720"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="960" height="720" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Wishing you peace and love,

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Hey lovers ,beautiful people...

Hope you all had a fab weekend and squeezing the little time that is left of it.
I did find time to revamp this weekend. Had a hair cut! Loved Max my stylists touch. Feels goooood!
Now I have shorter hair and a brighter smile...yaaaay. Oh! I even went out for a few minutes(which is a lot for an agoraphobic)

As we are concentrating on Redesigning our bodies and minds, I am helping friends out to redo their wardrobes and also old clothes. You don't have to spend a fortune to look good you know.

So,here is my revamped sarong. There are 101 ways in which you can do this. Now is the time to take out your old clothes and make them new!

Well, this revamp idea comes in time for our eco look. Join us in Addis in April as we close the theme at the Hub Of Africa fashion week. Bring your revamp to the show.

Wishing you peace and love,

Monday, March 19, 2012

If you are in Dar...

Dobet Gnahoré live in concert
Warm up by Yvonne Mwale
Dobet Gnahoré, a singer, dancer and percussionist from the Ivory Coast, has spirit and passion as well as a powerful vital energy. With her voice, her charisma and her personality, her performance always captivates the audience.

The warm-up will be done by the energetic and powerful songtress Yvonne Mwale.

This concert, organised by the French Embassy and Alliance Française in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Tanzania, is part of the events within the Francophonie Season.

For your convenience we offer a Shuttle Service between the parking of Alliance Française and the Goethe-Institut.
Times: 6.30pm - 8pm
           9.30pm - 10.30pm

We thank our Sponsors:
Swiss International Airlines, Southern Sun Dar es Salaam,  Caravan Records (Technical Production and Promotion) and Ultimate Security.

Saturday, March 17, 2012



There are some nights when

Sleep Plays Coy,

aloof and disdainful.

And all the wiles

that I employ to win

its service to my side

are useless as wounded pride,

and much more Painful.

Maya Angelou

French Connection!

I guess there are Events like these in Ug too...will look them up and post over.

Wishing you peace and Love,

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beautah yaaaay...

My DEAR Lovers...oh! Sorry bout Monday...ohhh..(hugs)

Monday,Monday was a bad bad internet day(not blaming) but you slowed things down.

Today our Art and about moment stretches from the Nsambya/clock tower round about. I was really late to meet up with friends in Entebbe so,here I am.jump the taxi onto a Boda boda,passed a mile of traffic...with a stranger for company on this little Boda boda..was quite an to Entebbe on time and had a fab time with Hadi,His wife and guys rock! Yaaaaaay...

Besides that,our darling Mustafa Hassanali just got back from the Arise Magazine Fashion show and he (as usual) did all of us proud. This collection called AFRIKALOS rocked Nigeria and we all loving it

There is sooooo much that Mustafa Hassanali has to offer. Just google more of his designs and get in touch with this creative spirit. The next time you are in Dar es Salaam,make it a point to get a Mustafa Hassanali'll understand only then what it really means to be a support to the Arts-the cream de la cream at that!

Wishing you peace and love,

Friday, March 9, 2012

I Heart This Song...

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>


Poleni my lovers  darlings.

I just started out a new job as a Communications Associate for a Canadian Charity in Uganda. I love my job since we have a lot of ICT and Leadership skills training at the organization. Well,what am trying to say is am grateful for the way things in my life go. One day am trying this out,the other day its another experience...lovely. And we all can achieve whatever we want with an attitude of gratitude. One of my best friends Alice always reminds me to give thanks.And as I'm giving thanks,I believe that you the reader will be moved to believe too.Faith moves mountains.

What am writing here is a general recap of the week that was. A lady called Kate McKenzie from Calgary was over today. She is traveling the world and meeting up with different youth programs. She really has a heart to serve. Kate says we all have one problem that is the same--we all are in need of clean water...Amazing lady has a good cause.She is creating videos from people she meets all over.She just came from Colombia and on her way to Rwanda,

We all watched Machine gun preacher as a work team and everybody has hyped this...well,you be the judge i you truly know this story.

In Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo,pg27 says something about a voice that cannot compete with a guitar so you all know what it means for media to have power...

Oh..what else can I tell you my uhmm lovers, that I see you on Monday?

Wishing you Peace and Love,

Monday, March 5, 2012


Hi lovers,

I hope your week started off on a good note. I am knackered and going to jump right into bed .

Here is a book written by Dambisa Moyo...I think every African should own a thoughts

Get out of the pit one day at a time...

Wishing you peace and Love,

Friday, March 2, 2012

Love Maurice Kirya

Love this song Misubbaawa by Maurice Kirya

Sometimes I wish I was a Boy!

Hey lovers of all things beautiful...guys and gals...TGIF Yaaaaay!!! We've been following the fashion weeks closely and here is my conclusion-Guys are making their mark in the fashion world-I sometimes wish I was a boy. Those of you who know me will admit that I have a closet full of T-shirts and Jeans as this is my casual look. BUT those who know me very well will also tell you that I have a thing for high heels and boots and fine dresses (one of the few days I wear them) but mostly...ok...back to the guys...guys guys guys...are having it big this time around. I am loving what is shown this season...the blazers,sweaters,and even...yes even the accessories ...those rucksacks,satchels...the messenger jealous....aaauuuugggghhhh....but enjoy cause it makes our men appear even hotter. Personally,I like a guy who can hold his own in the fashion world. So,from the ramps of New York,here are my fave men.
Marc Jacobs Love the fall 2012 look.
Banana Republic Well,these are some of the Blessed Boaz...lucky Bozo...get your style on. Wishing you Peace and Love, Esi