Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sesetula arts e Ssesse

The harvest by Xenson!

Dear  Art lovers,
The year finally draws to an end. Long year, short year; whichever side of the coin you fall, it is time to celebrate and appreciate our artistic genius with like-minded individuals through Sesetula arts e Ssese under the theme “why I do what I do”.

Xenson arts presents Sesetula arts e Ssesse, a festival celebrating the linkages that exist between the various forms of art, culture and nature. Artists will get to share their creativity, try out different things; network and hopefully, this experience will provide inspiration for future works.

 has it been a good year not?.  have you achieved your dreams, are getting there well...? we all fall but need to; have to pick ourselves up again; because our creative journey is over only when the ‘Omuzisi’ strikes the last nail in your coffin.

We know you gave it your all and did your best and now it is time to pack up, leave this urbanism; potholes, dust, teargas, traffic jams, soft comfy beds, pizza, hot water, fancy clothes… and join us in a fun packed weekend from 7th – 9th December 2012 at the Pearl Gardens campsite located on the serene and beautiful Bugala Island on Lake Victoria.

For more information on our packages and to make bookings, please call
Achan- 0751697010 or Esi - 0772381552

1.Camping experience: 190,000/-(includes transport to and from the island, a tent with bedding, breakfast, lunch and dinner for 2 days plus participation in all activities.)

FYI: Activities include; battle of the bands, poetry recitals, jam sessions, book club( you can start thinking of a chapter in a book),  treasure hunt, story telling, Maurice Kirya and other artist performances, fashion show,boat graffiti, dance board game, story telling around a bon fire, cocktails on the boat plus a disco. 

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