Friday, March 7, 2014

Moving forward with a spring!

Hey lovers of all things beautiful,

I must admit moving to another place this time of year was not the most intelligent idea after all. The winter froze my thoughts on almost everything and there is little we could do this season apart form take short walks in the grey and occasionally sip hot chocolate with a few friends.

Now spring is here and the flowers are beginning to bloom. Everything feels great now and I can tell the level of energy has gone up for most of the folk around. It also feels good to gaze at the sky and see beautiful stars in the horizon. I have a feeling we are headed towards the best of times in our new place.

I am looking forward each day to see more and more of our surroundings and doing all the things we envisioned ourselves doing so will share a lot with you henceforth.

For now,its a warm hug from here.

Wishing you Peace and Love,

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