Thursday, October 28, 2010

Miss Uganda for Miss World!

Miss Uganda 2010 Hazyme Nansubuga with runners uo Barbara Kajote and Gloria Atuhairwe...

She is representing Uganda at the Miss world Beauty P People! This will be in Sanya on October 30th ...we wish you well gal.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Better Days

Its fall out there and the mood has affected us too. Well,I guess its only the mood cause when I flipped through the magazines and saw this look-!!! I knew I wanted this.

So,I'm going to get a make over in 2 weeks and lets see how far we go with my hair done,nails right,perfect dress,all put together-without head bands,chic cheri amor-ho ho lets see.I'll be sure to post the look-2 weeks guys. Anybody wants to join me on this makeover thingi? please do-we could compare notes,sorry,Images.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This is an example of what it takes to be a creative> Gabriel Marquez Garcia! Oh I so love him.
He brings to life his imaginations in his writings.My favorite one is LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA. He is soooooo gifted.You should check out his books if you really want to get lost in fiction that seems so close to reality! Gabriel is the way to go.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Love this.

Love Alek wek!
Love this even more...I think this is a great way of expressing one's gratitude towards being made female. So X! so devine and beautah full!


Hi guys...Today,I give gratitude.To all of you who care to flip through these pages and taken time to read this.Sometimes its so hard writing about yourself or trivial things around you.But I am just a young bird learning to fly,to catch my wind and eventually soar through to higher heights and learning the lines of this new song from my inner,true self. That is why we call it art and about! So we can go about and still appear put together. I personally can't stand being in one place for a long time or concentrate on a fixed project-I'd goo crazy!!!

The blog is ours,the space is all ours.And although I don't discuss comments on the pages,I make it an effort to reply all comments. Thank you to my growing number of interest- mates from U.S.A,Tanzania,Uganda,Norway,U.K,India and the world over-Namatse


Where u @?

Hi guys,I just had a not-so furious argument with one of my gals on who runs the show lately. And although we celebrated Naomi's big two five,there's very few sistahs of color who can say Amen to that! We continue to give her credit on the catwalks and all know she has created a brand with Naomi Campbell,even my baby sister says she wants to pose like Naomi Campbell for a family picture.

Ok.besides Iman,Liya Kabede,Naomi and Tyra Banks,do tell...are there any sisters out there who can stand their own?

I would love to believe that they are more than the platform for them allows(correct me if wrong) and all we have to do is stand up like Vogue Italy did justice and give our sistahs a big push!

Guys,what do you think?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

You are so vain! singer looking so fine.I love the 70s ...and everything good about that,the culture and fashion that came along.

Art and About Loves the look!

Carly Simon
A parody

You walked into the party room
Like you were Director 
You walked into the party room
Like you were Director of KGB
Your gun strategically dipped below your coat
But your thoughts where all over me
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself report
And all us girls dreamed that we’d be your partner
your KGB partner, and

You're so vain
You prob’ly think the KGB loves you
You're so vain
I bet you think they can’t do without you
Don't you? Don't you?
You had me several years ago
When I was still quite naive
Well, you said that I had such a pretty pair
And that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And joined the KGB
I had some schemes to put drugs in your coffee
Drugs in your coffee ‘cause

Well, I hear you went up to St Petersburg
And your horse naturally won
Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun
Well, you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not, you're with
Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend

Wife of a close friend, and KGB
Your gun strategically r coat
But your thoughts where all over me
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself report
And all us girls dreamed that we’d be your partner
your KGB partner, andYou're so vain
You prob’ly think the KGB loves you
You're so vain
I bet you think they can’t do without you
Don't you? Don't you?
You had me several years ago
When I was still quite naive
Well, you said that I had such a pretty pair
And that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And joined the KGB
I had some schemes to put drugs in your coffee
Drugs in your coffee ‘cause

Well, I hear you went up to St Petersburg
And your horse naturally won
Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun
Well, you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not, you're with
Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend
Wife of a close friend, and … etc

Hehe so vain but the phase was so in !

Saturday, October 23, 2010


The friest time I heard of Acne,well I thought this was one of the Million of fashion lines trying to blend all wierd art and tech to create something new...
Well,I have seen afew of this fashion house runway cuts and must admit this is it!

I love the color blends and designs from is a little clip of the Acne evolution.

What influences you and how do you see yourself evolving in the future?

I think we are influenced by everyday life as much as high and pop culture. We are very interested in so many different fields of design, from classical graphic design to industrial design, fashion design and architecture. In my opinion this is something that makes us evolve. We have worked on typography, visual identities and patterns for the fashion industry, record covers, magazine design, as well as creating window decorations and set designs. The variation and challenge gives us new perspectives and keeps us lively; and in the best case allows us to find new ways of working and remain inspired.

Loving you even more!

The perfect tote!

This is soooo perfect.I like I like I like!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Zawadi Arts Introduces Art

I finally got back the Artistic muse and up for some printing and drawing.Most of the material I like to work with for cards is recycled paper.This makes beautiful cards,book covers,calendars and other interesting crafts.If you are in the Entebbe area,come to Zawadi Arts wellness center and have a look.You could also be interested in other services offered at the center say Yoga and Aromatherapy.The PanAroma restaurant at the center offers great traditional food too.
Ok.About this art-you simply have to love it.
Drop me a line on comments-I will sure get it and reply.

And this Tee shirts are worth having too...the line is called O-thentik and with the support of many other designers and artists,we will continue to promote and stand up for the Arts.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Into Your Confidence

This is an introduction into my written Affirmation journal called Into Your Confidence.
Due to slight changes at the printers,we delayed the overall sales but the launch was great and many people are being inspired by this. Be sure to get a copy when we hit the stands in a few days time.

Ok.I will tell you a wee bit about this Journal.It is in line with what I was questioning all day-What makes us complete???This journal will help you venture into certain areas that will lead to self discovery.Trivial things say,what makes a friend a friend....yet even great thinkers like Emerson have let us know plainly that to have a friend,you need to be one. So,its things like this that will uplift one's Spirit and guide us along the way.

Again,please get this journal for your mother,sister,wife,aunt.daughter....and for Boaz too!  

Into your confidence
I write in Praise of the capable lady. She is an ideal symbol of completion.
As I proceed, all I can do is visualize creating my realities, to
meet her capabilities.
With the right outlook towards what one wants, say staying focused,
determined and unshaken in any situation, discoveries of who you
really are will clearly emerge. The proverbs 31 lady’s actions say it
How privileged we are to know that we can all grow and blossom
into such a woman with a mere shift in our perception and drive
towards our goals.
In this book, my source of inspiration is the lady, as emphasized by
King Solomon. She serves as the ideal.
We all have various goals in life we want to achieve to create a perfect
picture in the end. Yet through our imperfections we struggle to
create the perfect. Only through courage can we stand by our words
and watch them become our realities. And only through courage can
we identify with confidence.
May we all celebrate our confidence in all things created but mostly
in the creator of all, above all, in all, through all
With love and Peace,

Tabitha…woman of good works

Friday, October 15, 2010

Art and About at Nicky's

Nicky's Pizza place! A very cozy place if you want to kick back and enjoy a pizza/chicken/fish or a drink with friends.

This place is fairly new but wooing many pizza lovers from Entebbe and further.

My girl Stella and I had a VIP treat at Nicky's and it was all worth it.

As soon as you get at the place,you will notice how well kept it is,even the flowers and the lawn all fit the standards of an extra clean spot.

We love it!
Brian(Nicky's manager) and Sara were the best and made us feel at home

More to come on Nicky's-watch this space.

Today's Review

Eat,Pray,Love-Best seller turned blockbuster!

I must admit,when I went in to see this movie,my initial expectations were to go through-you know the usual Julia Roberts sentiments displayed on the big screen? Not that I don't love her but sometimes it gets a little bit boring.
However,this movie was it! The actress portrayed the exact feelings and sentiments that travellers and seekers posses.

Throughout the movie you can not help but admire her search for everything and seeing it falling place. 

Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert, 2007.jpg
Here's the Story line.

At 32 years old, Elizabeth Gilbert was educated and had a home, a husband, and a successful career as a writer. However, she was unhappy in her marriage and often spent the night crying on her bathroom floor. She has an affair, during which she separated from her husband and initiated a divorce, which he contested. The affair continued for some time but did not work out, leaving her devastated and alone. While writing an article on yoga vacations in Bali, she met a ninth-generation medicine man who told her she would come back and study with him. After finalizing her difficult divorce, she spent the next year traveling. She spent four months in Italy, eating and enjoying life (Eat). She spent four months in India, finding her spirituality (Pray). She ended the year in Bali, Indonesia, looking for "balance" of the two and found love (Love) in the form of a dashing Brazilian factory owner.[7]
The trip was paid for in advance from the book deal for Eat Pray Love.[8]

My lessons
..that love is not what you want, it is what you are. It is very important to not get these two confused.

If you think that love is what you want, you will go searching for it all over the place. If you think love is what you are, you will go sharing it all over the place. The second approach will cause you to find what the searching will never reveal.

Yet you cannot give love in order to get it. Doing that is as much as saying you do not now have it. And that statement will, of course, be your reality. No, you must give love because you have it to give. In this will you experience your own possession of it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Power!!!

The secret revealed the Law of Attraction-The Power reveals the greatest force in The Universe!-The Power to have anything you want.

Without the power,there wouldn't be a single human being .

Every discovery ,invention and human creation comes from the power. The perfect health,incredible relationships,a career you love,a lfe filled with happiness and the money you need,everything you want,all come from the Power.

Countdown to Swahili fashion week!

The Electic blend of Swahili culture with chic comes to life again in November!

This 3 day packed event which sees designers from East and South Africa calls for Modelcastings,VIP ticketing,Media and Backstage jobs...Check them out on the net.

And this is gonna be a very very interesting Swahili week reloaded.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Sound of Independence.

Flashback-October 9th 1962.

This was the sound of Independence coming from the North!(esp among the Alur doing their lazy butt twisting number...) Adungu (9 stringed bow harp) was pulled out to celebrate liberation on paper! 9 to represent the day of the month(never mind my bs but I hope so).

There was jubilation all over the place as the Union Jack was raised to down to give room for you know what!

Black-Black Africa
Red-Brotherhood of mankind!
And the crested crane that represents life...Everlasting!

Fast Forward
40 da** 8 years later, we can't help(I can't) but wonder why the system just had to go that path. Without much in question I bet it is for the greater good .And with Peace and Love,let Freedom reign all through.

Oh Ouganda! May God Uphold thee!

I wish Y'all a happy Independence-I know mine is way much happier-step into my world : )...let freedom reign...let peace prevail! Let the comrades hold their heads up high as if to say 'Thats was ,this is'..and may we all live to break a leg when we clock 50...tick tock!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Food for Thought!!

Does any of this matter? That the nourishment of the mind is no different from nourishment for the body...and that what you put inside eventually triplicates to create your reality?

I am forced to believe this as true and with this,I need to restructure how I spend my time and evaluate all things which cause one to evolve. Call it fun/Entertainment but this sh**t sure works!

  • How does one spend their free time.
  • How does one spend their entertainment quid
  • How much TV does one watch
  • How many movies does one see
  • What kind of programs does one watch.
  • How many books does one read in a month.
  • How many concerts does one attend.
  • How many ballets
  • What kind of music does one listen to
  • Does all this help to evolve the mind???

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Ball at the Ball

Hi my peeps...It's been a long time coming. Saturday 2nd October 2010 saw everyone that cared to share in the blast from the past at DoubleTree by Hilton Dar es Salaam.

And the event lived up to its name. Shear Hair and Beauty 007 was unveiled with the Beauties from all past Issues.

Look out for more pics coming your way. : ) Esi

Introducing Issue 007

 My Gal Remmie looking as Hot as promised! She Rocks!

Melanie and Dr.Josh Rumba from Ireland were one of the entertainers who kept us on our feet...we were lost for words as they did their thing on the dance floor!